Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Day 3

(My internet connection was terrible last night, so now I'm a day behind. I figured that would happen at some point. Fortunately, we changed hotels today, and the wifi is much better here.)

We got up early, yet again. All of our days have been early. This has been a very exhausting trip, considering how much time we've spent sitting on the bus.

We left our hotel in Killarney and drove from Kerry into County Cork under shockingly sunny skies. The countryside was stunning as usual, though our tour guide, who is from Kerry, insisted that Cork's landscape isn't nearly as nice.

Our first stop was Blarney Castle, which houses the Blarney Stone, one of the biggest tourist black holes in Ireland. Legend says that kissing the Blarney Stone will give you the gift of eloquence. Considering how many people have kissed it over the centuries, it'll probably also give you plenty of other things. I wanted to go into the castle just to see the dang thing, but the line was so long that I ended up taking a walk on the grounds instead. I spent most of my time in the poison garden, which was even more interesting than the castle and certainly less crowded. 

Blarney Castle. 

A terrifying sign. WHERE IS THE OXFORD COMMA?
AAAAAAH! Poison Ivy! Tons of deadly plants in this garden, and this was the only one with a DO NOT TOUCH THIS PLANT! warning on the sign. 
Trees with sweaters. 

We then drove to Limerick City, where we would be spending the night. It's a nice little city on the River Shannon, with a bunch of walking streets and practically no restaurants open past seven. We finally found a place to eat that had live celtic music and really good food, though, so it ended up being a great night. 
I also saw the biggest, most vivid rainbow I've ever seen. Way to be stereotypical, Ireland. 
There are two of them up there. Ridiculous. 

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